Exercise 6: Clarifying Future Growth Areas

Listen to This Exercise

You can listen to this exercise here ➤. If you’d like a PDF version with lined pages to write your answers, you can download it at the bottom of this page.


You’ve already identified one key goal to focus on this year, but growth is a lifelong journey. This exercise is about taking a comprehensive look at other areas in your life where you may want to improve in the future. By clarifying these areas now, you’ll create a roadmap for ongoing personal and spiritual growth.

The goal is to reflect honestly but also with kindness toward yourself. Remember, your essence is a holy and beautiful soul, and every step forward reveals more of your inner light.


  1. Acknowledge Your Intrinsic Value
    Before you begin, remind yourself that you are a child of Hashem, created with a pure and beautiful soul. You are already valuable, and growth is about revealing even more of your potential.

  2. Reflect on Your Current Behaviors
    Take a gentle but honest look at your actions. Identify any positive behaviors you’d like to express more fully and any negative behaviors that don’t align with your highest self.

  3. Make a Comprehensive List
    Write down areas where you feel you are falling short, including both things you’d like to do more of and things you’d like to avoid.

  4. Choose Future Focus Areas
    From your list, highlight a few areas that you’d like to work on in the future. These could be small, manageable steps or more significant changes that will have a major impact.

  5. Seek Guidance
    Consider discussing your reflections with a Rabbi, Rebbetzin, or trusted mentor. They can help you determine the right pace for your growth and the best areas to focus on next.

Want a PDF to Write Your Reflections?

You can download the PDF version here ➤ with lined pages to guide your thoughts and create your growth roadmap.

When you’re ready, revisit your previous exercises or begin implementing your goals one step at a time.