Identifying Your Life’s Mission


BLURB – Discovering one’s life mission is a profound journey that brings clarity and purpose. In “Identifying Your Life’s Mission,” Rabbi Nivin presents two insightful methods to help individuals uncover their unique path. By reflecting on your most pleasurable moments and considering the challenges you’ve faced, you can gain a deeper understanding of your true calling. This article offers practical guidance for anyone seeking to live a more meaningful and fulfilled life.

Life Mission Discovery Questionnaire

Step 1: Identifying Your Core Mission

  1. Peak Moments Reflection:
    • What are the three most fulfilling and deeply enjoyable moments of your life?
    • What about these moments made them so meaningful to you?
  2. Challenges and Strengths:
    • What are the biggest challenges you have faced in your life?
    • How did you overcome them, and what strengths did you develop in the process?
  3. Natural Talents & Passions:
    • What skills or talents do people frequently compliment you on?
    • What activities make you feel energized and engaged?
  4. What Would You Teach the World?
    • If you had unlimited time and resources, what message or lesson would you want to share with others?
  5. Legacy & Impact:
    • Imagine your 80th birthday party. What would you want people to say about the impact you had on their lives?

Step 2: Aligning with Your Mission

  1. Mission Statement Creation:
    • Based on your answers above, write a one-sentence personal mission statement that describes what you feel called to do in life.
      (Example: “My mission is to inspire and guide people to find inner peace through personal growth and faith.”)
  2. Obstacles & Fears:
    • What fears or limiting beliefs might be stopping you from fully embracing this mission?
    • How can you challenge or reframe these beliefs?

Step 3: Taking Action Toward Your Mission

  1. Small Steps Forward:
    • What is one small action you can take this week that aligns with your mission?
  2. Who Can Support You?
    • Who in your life can offer guidance, encouragement, or mentorship as you pursue this path?
    • Is there a community, book, or course that can help you grow in this area?
  3. Accountability Plan:
  • How will you track your progress and stay committed to your mission? (Example: journaling, accountability partner, setting reminders, etc.)

Shabbos Reflections

On Shabbos, take time to pause and reflect in a unique way. Use these meaningful discussion questions at your Shabbos table or during quiet moments:

  • What does a perfect world look and feel like for the people living in it?
  • If you had $100,000 to give to one tzedakah (charity), which would you choose and why?
  • Who is someone you admire deeply, and what do you admire about them?
    Use Shabbos to connect with others, reflect on your week, and discuss meaningful topics.

Weekly Motivation

Stay motivated throughout your 40-day journey by setting weekly rewards for yourself. At the end of each week, treat yourself to something small but meaningful to celebrate your consistency.
Examples of weekly incentives:

  • A favorite dessert or meal.
  • An outing with a friend.
  • Taking time for a hobby or relaxation.

Use this simple practice to keep your enthusiasm going as you progress through the exercises!

Buddy System Tips

Having an accountability buddy makes this journey even more powerful. Here are some tips for finding and working with a buddy:

  1. Find Someone Motivated
    Choose someone who will also commit to doing the exercises and checking in regularly.
  2. Keep It Simple
    All you need to do is message your buddy daily to let them know you’ve completed your exercise (e.g., “Hey! I finished today’s exercise. Did you get to it yet?”).
  3. Support Each Other
    If one of you falls behind, offer encouragement and set small steps to get back on track.
  4. Celebrate Successes Together
    Share your progress and celebrate milestones—like completing a week of exercises.

Guide to Teshuva

Teshuva (repentance) is a gift that allows us to realign with our true selves. Here’s a simple overview of the process:

  1. Regret: Reflect on actions you’d like to correct and feel sincere regret.
  2. Confession: Speak out your mistakes directly to Hashem in prayer.
  3. Commitment: Make a plan to avoid those mistakes in the future.
    Teshuva is not about perfection—it’s about making progress. Use this time to reconnect with Hashem and grow step by step.

Daily Inspiration

Here are some uplifting phrases to keep you motivated during your journey:

  • “If Hashem had a fridge, your picture would be on it!”
  • “Small actions repeated consistently lead to big accomplishments.”
  • “Hashem believes in you and is cheering you on.”
  • “Every day is a fresh opportunity to grow.”
    Feel free to print these out or save them somewhere visible for a daily boost of positivity.

Share Your Feedback

We’d love to hear your thoughts on how we can make this resource even better for next year. What worked well for you? What could we improve?
Please share your feedback here: Link to Feedback Form ➤
Your input is greatly appreciated and helps us continue to create meaningful resources!

The Month of Elul

Elul is a special time for introspection and growth, leading up to the High Holy Days. During this month, we focus on:

  • Strengthening our relationship with Hashem.
  • Repairing relationships with others.
  • Preparing for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
    This is a time to reflect, make amends, and set the stage for an incredible year ahead.

Further Learning

Looking for more resources to enhance your growth? Check out these programs:

  • Project Inspire Learning Program ➤: Free, personalized one-on-one Jewish learning with a mentor.
  • Other Learning Opportunities: Contact your local community or Rabbi for personalized suggestions.

Printable 40-Day Calendar

Track your progress with this Printable 40-Day Calendar ➤. Use it to check off each day’s exercise and stay consistent. A simple way to celebrate each small step forward!